August 2019 Bonsai Newsletter

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It may be hard to believe, but it’s al-ready time to plan and prepare for our 16th Annual Bonsai Exhibition and Demonstrations on October 5th and 6th at Gardens of the World in Thousand Oaks.

To help members focus on the exhibition and refine their show trees, our September meeting will be a member peer critique. Please plan to bring trees that you expect to exhibit to this meeting so your fellow club members can offer any help or advice you want.

The September meeting will be our final meeting preparing for our exhibition. So, please also check your calendars and think about when you can help: Friday setup, Saturday or Sunday exhibition hours, and/or Sunday afternoon teardown. Exhibition trees must be delivered Friday afternoon and picked up Sunday afternoon.

Meanwhile, our August meeting will be a workshop and our annual Swap Meet. If you have any trees, accessories, pots, or other bonsai related items you would like to part with, bring them to our August meeting. Don’t forget you can also get items from your fellow members so have another look at your bonsai collection and give this some thought.
In addition to the Swap Meet, our August meeting will reintroduce our short 5-minute talks before workshop meetings on specific bonsai topics. Ken Martin will be starting it off at our Au-gust meeting with a talk about fertilizers.

We have one more demonstration scheduled for this year: Kathy Benson in October. We have yet to finalize the topic and are open to suggestions.

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