June 2022 Bonsai Newsletter

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New drought-induced water re-strictions may be a problem for all of us, but it is difficult to generalize as each area has different rules. In my lo-cation, I can only run my sprinklers once a week (on Saturday). I hand water my bonsai trees.

There are constant water-restriction updates, but there is no central clearing house of information. For details in your area, check the LA Times or Ventura County Star or search the web for your particular water district. Also, see websites for Los Angeles County, Ventura County, or City of Ventura:

  • www.dpw.lacounty.gov/wwd/Web/Conservation/WaterRestriction.aspx
  • www.vcpublicworks.org/wsd/waterconservation/
  • www.cityofventura.ca.gov/893/Water-Shortage-Update

If anyone is having problems with watering their bonsai trees, let’s discuss it at our June meeting.

Meanwhile, we started our program of member-led short talks and discussions at our May meeting. The May discussion was on fertilizers; it was led by Ken Martin. Everyone reported the fertilizer practices that work for them.

For June, Mike Blumenberg will lead the discussion on Pot Selection. If you want help selecting a pot for a tree, bring your bonsai and discuss with Mike and the group.
For future topics, see CVBS Pro-grams 2022 on page 2 of every issue of this newsletter.

Members are starting to feel comfortable coming to our monthly meetings. If you have not yet attended, I urge you to come. Our presentations and work-shops provide very useful, informative evenings.

Please remember that our meeting location, the Westlake Village Community Center, is in Los Angeles County and requires that we follow that county’s rules. Current regulations recommend, but do not require, that masks be worn during indoors public meetings.

If you have not yet paid your CVBS dues for 2022, see below and page 3. Bring your check to the next meeting.

Please remember the upcoming bonsai shows this spring/summer. We are getting updated information, which is added to the calendar on page 7. Keep an eye on the dates. Maybe members could carpool, considering the current cost of gas.

If you are working on a bonsai project, you are invited to take some pictures and send them along with some description to CVBS Editor David Whiteside for inclusion in a future issue of this newsletter.

See you Thursday, June 16th.

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