May 2023 Bonsai Newsletter

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There’s Plenty To Do with CVBS

This year is shaping up pretty active for members of the Conejo Valley Bonsai Society. That’s thanks in large part to Field Trips Chair Damon DuBois and Program Chair Nancy Smeets.

For our June 15 meeting, Nancy has arranged for Peter Macasieb, who specializes in shohin (small) bonsai, to do a demonstration.
Our August 17 meeting will feature a demonstration/participatory workshop by Debra Mauz-Melitz. Nancy has arranged for Debra to give us hands-on experience creating bonsai in hypertufa pots that she will make for this event.

Based on a showing of member interest, Debra will bring 10 pots and plants for members to use in a class format. Ten members who sign up in advance will go home with their creations.

Hypertufa pots are becoming popular at bonsai exhibitions, some of which now include small hypertufa display areas. These pots come in all sizes and forms, including some small enough for accent plants for bonsai.

The member-led discussion topic at our May 18 CVBS meeting will be fertilizers and will be led by Ken Martin. The discussion will be followed by a member workshop, so bring your trees!

Earlier this spring, at our April meeting Ken Fuentes lead the evening off with a discussion about bugs and fungi. Ken found his best success was to go out and check his trees in the evening with a flashlight when the bugs come out. He then sees which bugs he is dealing with and treats his trees accordingly. Several members brought up their tree problems, which attendees then discussed.

See you Thursday, May 18th!


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