October 2022 Bonsai Newsletter

 In Newsletters


Attention members: the deadline for submitting photos for the 19th Annual Conejo Valley Bonsai Society Exhibition (Virtual) is fast approaching. As already announced, our original plan to exhibit our trees at the Gardens of the World had to be scuttled. So our Annual Exhibition will be a virtual show published in our November newsletter.

By November 1, please email digital photographs of up to three bonsai to our newsletter editor, David Whiteside. Be sure to identify the species of each tree, including both common and scientific names, if you know them.

If possible, set your tree against a plain, light-colored background on a table or bench and on a nice bonsai stand. For the virtual show there is no need to include accent plants.

But do prepare your bonsai for showing by cleaning the pots, clearing debris off the topsoil, and last-minute trimming of any tree that needs sprucing up.

Over the years, one thing I have noticed is that the eye of the camera lens is very sensitive to both the tree and the white space. The silhouette of the tree shows every leaf out of place, so check your tree once through the camera, do an extra trim if necessary, and then take your final picture. Aim your camera about 1/3 of the way up the tree—do not stand above and shoot downward as this distorts the perspective.

Another Deadline

It is time to select the club’s officers and supporting committee chairs for 2023. This is a very important CVBS event as it helps keep the club focused on activities and services that club members are interested in.

At our October meeting, nominations chair Damon DuBois will present a slate of officers. At the November meeting, the floor will be open for additional nominations. The vote is by a simple majority of club members in good standing who are present at the November business meeting or have notified Damon in writing how they wish to vote in advance. The new officers will then ap-point next year’s committee chairs.

Damon is contacting members to see how they can help and what roll they wish to fill. The list of officers and committee chairs is on page 2 of this news-letter and below.

Please contact Damon with your thoughts or questions.

CVBS officers are: President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary

The Committees are: Advisor, Membership, Newsletter, Program, Publicity, Refreshments, Librarian, Field Trips and Activities, and Webmaster.

Bonsai or Penjing

Our September discussion topic was Bonsai v. Penjing led by David White-side. This is not an easy topic and the distinctions between the two are very subtle. David went through the materials used for both and the various criteria and classifications for both. He also provided a handout that included pictures to help define the differences.

Also, as the new year approaches, we are looking for niche display volunteers in 2023. (See page 3.)

Finally, remember that on December 15 we hold our annual Holiday Potluck, Raffle & Auction. This event is our annual fund raiser. Please support your club by contributing bonsai or bonsai-related items for the raffle and auction. And plan to buy raffle tickets and bid on auction items—bring your checkbook or cash. It’s a great opportunity to pick up a few new treats .

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